Cloud Nester Settings

Cloud Nester Settings



How the resulting Nest is positioned on the Media

  • “Butt-up”

Nests items without spacing and makes a single-cut CutContour where the Parts overlap (for cutting purposes) to make cutting more efficient.

  • “Spacing”
    Distance between the Parts in the Nest. For TSN between the NestShapes, other methods BoundingBox

  • “Multi-copy pages”
    Returns how many copies of a nested page should be printed. How it works. We nest all Parts in the Bucket. When there are identical Pages we make copies of those and show that in nest-info UI as Copies. What to expect in the Job? We sent the instruction to the RIP with how many Copies of the Page have to be printed. For direct driver Printers we print (spool) the Job as many time as the Copies requested. For Printer with Folder out we Print (spool) the Jobs ones. In this case the Copies cannot be sent, but can be found in the Job Bag instruction. Available from PF6.8.2 on request.


When multiple triggers are set they’ll be treated as an “Or” NOT as an "And" function.

  • “Maximum Job Age”
    When the Parts are added to the Nester they get a CreationDate-Time. When the latest added Document is older then minutes set it will trigger the Bucket.
    We check this every 2 minutes, so potentially there can be a delay of 2 minutes.

  • “Maximum Media Length”
    When a new Part enters the Nester that will exceed the Maximum set length it will trigger the Page without that new Part. Jobs will never get longer than the set length.

  • “Min. Efficiency”

We’ll submit the page when the efficiency is met or exceeded.
And now to make it complicated ;-). When PrintDeadlines are used we calculate the efficiency for this trigger based on all placed Parts from the earliest PrintDeadline Group. When you use Fill-up these Parts will not be taken into account for the trigger. In the preview we do show the efficiency including Parts which have been used for Fill-up. For Roll media we calculate the efficiency based on the Length on the end of the latest placed Part. For Sheet media we use the whole Media size. Idea behind it is that Sheets can’t be cut and reused for other Jobs.

  • “Number of Pages/Tiles” Maximum amount of Parts that can be placed on a Page. When exceeded the Page is triggered.

  • "Print deadline" When enabled and Bucket contains Parts with expired PrintDeadlines it will released. When disabled you can hold the Bucket from automatic submitting Jobs.

  • “Expires at(24h)”
    It will give all incoming Parts the next available set Day and Time. They will be nested together on that Deadline. When this Deadline expires it will release those Pages that contain the expired Parts. When multiple Pages contain expired Parts they will be triggered one after another as separated Jobs.


Fill-up only works for Parts that contain a PrintDeadline

  • “Fill-up with not expired jobs (hours)”
    Gives the Nester the opportunity to use Parts from a later Deadline Group, op until the hours set, based on the earliest Deadline Group on that Page to make it more efficient.

  • “Fill-up to extend Roll length”
    Gives the Nester the opportunity to make the Nest longer than the end of the last placed Part of the earliest Deadline Group to a maximum of the length from the media selected. This doesn't always means that the Nest becomes more efficient. Has only an effect on Roll media.

  • “Fill-up with complete jobs”
    We only place the Parts when all Copies and Pages of the Document can be placed on the same Page. This makes sure Parts from the same document do not end up in multiple pages.



  • “Name”
    Name of the Nesting Queue

  • “Description”
    Additional information to describe the Nesting Queue. Shown in Nesting-Settings-Queue’s overview

  • “Email notifications”
    When a Job is created from a Nest proposal an email is received. In this email you can find the Page(s) created, which Documents and Pages, copies of the Document Page and Copies to Print of the Page(s). Also there are links to the Job Bag and the Job info. You can add multiple email addresses by separating them with a “;”.

  • “Print Policy” (for automatically triggered Jobs)

    • “Round Robin” will send each new Job to the up-following prioritized Printer from the available Printers.

    • “Highest priority” will always send the Job to with the highest priority from the available Printers in this Queue. 1 is highest priority.
      When a Printer is disabled it will automatically submit to the up-following priority.

    • “Job Queue length”
      Will submit the Job to the Printer with the least amount of length still to be printed (spooled). This only works correctly for Printers that are directly driven by the Rip, so not for folder output Printers.

  • “Hold printing”
    When enabled, the Job will be Ripped, but spooling will be set to “hold”.
    When disabled and you want directly driven printers also to Print automatically you have to enable “Automatic start automation Jobs” in the driver setting in the Rip.

  • "Reference profile"

    • Selected profile will be applied to the Job when submitted. Default it's set to "none", then the Reference profile set in the RIP Queue is applied. (Available from Cloud 6.95.0)

  • “Printer list” (all fields are mandatory)

    • “Printer” shows a list of available printers from all sites (SerialNumbers) of your Organization.  When Printers are deleted from the Rip (Deleted) is mentioned behind the Printer name. Jobs will not be created when a Printer is deleted or disabled. When other printer listed are available Jobs can/will be created for that printer.

    • “Queue” is mandatory. You have to create a Queue in the Rip for each device before you can set it up. Settings that can’t be set in the Nesting Queue can be set in the Rip Queue e.g. reference profile. All settings set in the Nesting Queue will be honoured by the Rip Queue. 

    • “Media Type/Mode/Variant” are the PMM settings you want to use.

    • “Priority”, 1 is the highest priority. On automatic triggered Job this printer will be used when available and “Print priority” is set to Highest priority.
      On Manual submit the Printer with the highest priority is listed as first choice.

  • “Cutting”

    • “Registration marks” shows a list of all your Cutting marks. Selected marks are used in the Job and the space that the marks use are taken into account when Nesting.

    • “Cutter list” (all fields are mandatory). When multiple cutters are listed we create a Cut Job for each Cutter. This way you can use e.g. the .zcc Job for your Zünd or and .oxf for OptiScout. You can only select one Registration mark.
      Print and Cut Devices are excluded here.

      • “Cutter” shows a list of available cutters from all sites (SerialNumbers) of your Organization. When Cutters are deleted from the Rip (Deleted) is mentioned behind the Cutter name. Jobs will not be created when a Cutter is deleted or disabled. When other Cutter listed are available Jobs can/will be created for that Cutter.

      • “Queue” is mandatory. You have to create a Queue in the Rip for each Cutter before you can set it up. Settings that can’t be set in the Nesting Queue can be set in the Rip Queue e.g. Material selection from Cutter DB and Spot/Layers to tool mapping. All settings set in the Nesting Queue will be honoured by the Rip Queue.

  • “Job name formatting” you can use free text or/and choose variables from the pulldown list. This will be used for the Job name.

  • “Job label” shows a list of your Job labels. This Label will be placed at the left bottom of the created Job. It’s applied on the Job and not on the Parts in the Job. When Part/Item Labels are used in the Parts being submitted to the Nester from WF, they will be used and the Job label will be ignored. Combining these 2 types of Labels is not possible. They aren’t shown in the Nest preview, it’s just an instruction.

  • “Color bars” choose position and size. They will be submitted in the Job instruction and taken into account during nesting. They aren’t shown in the Nest preview, it’s just an instruction.


How do the Buckets work?
Buckets are part of the Nesting Queue and you can define multiple Buckets in a Nesting Queue. When you're adding Parts to the Nesting Queue, the Nest Queue adds the Parts to all Manual created Buckets.
This gives you the opportunity to generate multiple proposals, e.g. different Media sizes or/and the Nesting Presets. When a Job is created from a Bucket the used Parts in this Jobs will also be removed from the other Bucket.

On automatic triggering the Bucket will be submitted which first meets the criteria set in the Preset used for that Bucket.

  • “Play” disabled means the Bucket is on hold. This Bucket will not be renested neither will it create a Job

  • “Star” you can mark your manually created buckets. It can help you identify these Buckets when other Buckets are created by a “Group Id”

  • “Bucket Name” free text. It will be used in the Nesting overview to identify different Buckets within a Nesting Queue.

  • “Preset” shows a list of Nesting Presets you’ve created. The selected one is used during Nesting for that Bucket.

  • “Media” shows a list default and manually created media. The selected one will be used during nesting for that Bucket.

  • “Group ID” when Parts are uploaded to the Cloud Nester by WF and the variable “PhysicalGroupID” is added it will create a Copy of the manual created Bucket(s) and add the Parts only to this Bucket for Nesting.
    E.g. when to print on a specific Vinyl you probably deliver this with and without laminate. You want to nest them separately but use the same settings. In this case you can use the Group ID.

Or when you need a specific Job to be nested together without others you can use the Group ID function.

Working with PrintDeadlines

PrintDeadline can be added as Variables in WF to the Parts being uploaded to the Cloud Nester. During the Nesting process the PrintDeadline will be the first Priority Group we make, earliest PrintDeadline first. All Parts with the same PrintDeadline will be placed on the one page, if they don't fit we created a second page and so on. Then we Nest the next PrintDeadline Group etc.
Fill-up setting, from the Nesting Preset, can be applied when and only when PrintDeadline are used.

Working with LogisticGroupID

LogisticGroupID’s can be added as Variable in WF to the Parts being uploaded to the Cloud Nester. You can add different Parts with the same LogisticGroupID and they will end up in the same Group. When the LogisticGroupID is added to the Part we create a Nest of the Parts with the same LogisticGroupID’s, using the whole width of the Media as efficiently as possible. This Nest will then be placed within the Nest. We prioritize them alphabetically and will be placed accordingly below each other. The placed Nests with LogisticGroupID will not be renested or rotated, they are placed as they are.
When a Group doesn’t fit on 1 page we start this Group on a new page and position the remaining grouped Parts on the up-following Page(s).
Parts in the same Bucket without a LogisticGroupID will be used to fill the capes.

PrintDeadline and LogisticGroupID

When having a PrintDeadline and a LogisticGroupID in the Parts we first Group on PrintDeadline and then on LogisticGroupID. From this Priority Group a Nest within a Nest will be created.

Fill-up and LogisticGroupID

Depending on your Fill-up setting in the Preset LogisticGroups can be used for filling up the Page with Groups from a later PrintDeadline.

Nester prioritization while placing Parts

  1. PrintDeadline and LogisticGroupID’s

  2. Place parts with the same PrintDeadline as in 1.

  3. Fill-up with LogisticGroupID’s

  4. Fill-up with PrintDeadline

*Nester always tries to place the biggest parts first.


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