Community profiles

Community profiles

Printer profiles made available by either the dealer, manufacturer or PrintFactory can be imported directly into Calibrator after loading the driver to the RIP. A pop-up windows appears showing all new pmms/ iccs available to automatically install. This includes profiles that are installed on the printer itself, such as on HP Latex series.

If a printer of the same model / or a compatible printer model already exists in the organisation, then the profiles that are already available in Calibrator are greyed out.

The user can choose which profile to install.

Community Profiles are available from V6.5

In the case of a HP Latex, you can create additional profiles on the printer using the front panel touch screen menu and on-board spectrophotometer. After creating new profiles on the printer you will need to restart your RIP to force a new sync between Printer->RIP. After this you can right click and open the Community profiles window again to find the newly made profiles & select them to import into Calibrator:

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