


The page shows you an overview of errors, how much m2/ft2 isn't printed yet, how much m1/ft1 isn't cut yet and links to your Devices and Jobs.
Dashboard can be found in the Menu on the left app.printfactory.cloud

Total Devices

The number tells you how many Devices you have installed on a RIP in your Organization, for all Serialnumbers (site licenses) you have. It's also a link that leads Production - Devices page. Here you can find more detailed information about your Devices.

Total Jobs

The total number of Jobs created for your Organization and stored in the Cloud Database. It's also a link to the Production - Jobs list.

Health status


Counter shows the amount of Jobs that have an error. Counter take Jobs in account on CreationDate today minus 2 weeks. It's also a link which directs you Production - Jobs and filters the list accordingly.


Counter that shows the amount of Nesting Queues that contains Document and have an error. It's also a link which directs you to Production - Nesting Page. Here you find red explanation mark icon, hovering over it shows details of the error. 


Counter that shows the amount of errors on RIP level. It's also a link which directs you to the Production - Site map page. Here you can see which RIP contain which error.


Counter that show the amount of errors on Printer level. It's also a link which directs you to the Production - Site map page. Here you can see which Printer on which RIP contains which error.


Counter that show the amount of errors on Cutter level. It's also a link which directs you to the Production - Site map page. Here you can see which Cutter on which RIP contains which error.

To Print Today

All values in the graph shown are based on all Jobs that have been created and don't have Status "Print" on CreationDate today minus 2 weeks. Status "Print" means that the Job has this entry in Journal, this can be found in Job-Info-Journal tab. If a Job needs to be printed multiple times we show values accordingly.
When Your Jobs contains PrintDeadlines we filter them on PrintDeadline today and older that don't have Status "Print" yet. We use the earliest PrintDeadline in a Job for filtering.


On the left side in the graph we show the a summary of top 5 Media's m2/ft2 that don't have Status "Print" yet. The other Media's are summarised in "Other". Also the Pie chart visualises these. Media name is the Name of the Media from the Print Media Mode (pmm) used in the Job.  

Total and details 

m2/ft2 Mentioned in the Pie chart is a summary of all Media's together. It's also a link which forwards you to the print-details page.
The print-details page is only available when you have a Connect or Industrial license and active subscription

Here you find a detailed page which is material organised and shows you how many Jobs these m2/ft2 are and on how many Printers these Jobs are scheduled.
When clicking on one of the media panels it also shows you how many m2/ft2 are scheduled on which Printer. Clicking on Jobs leads you the Production-Jobs page which is filtered, where you can ReRoute Jobs to another Printer if you wish.

To Cut Today

This is the same as To Print Today but then based on Status "Cut". 
Media names will only be shown when the cutting device supports a Media Database. Otherwise they will be shown in "Default"
Cut Jobs can't be re-scheduled. When your using the Cloud Nester to create Jobs you can add multiple Cutter on Job creation. This way you can cut the Job on the Cutter of your choice.

Tips and Notes

  1. Keep your Job list up to date. Delete Jobs in the Production - Jobs list that will not be printed or cut because they are re-created from Editor, Layout, Workflow or CloudNester. Otherwise they will stay in the Dashboard.
  2. You can clear the Dashboard from left bottom Menu - Name logged in User - Settings - Statistics settings - Dashboard reset data. Only the Manager of your organization in allowed to reset this data.
NotesNot all Printers and Cutters are able to report "Print" or "Cut" Status. Therefore you can use Production - Manual Job Completion to give your Jobs manually the "Print" or "Cut" Status

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