Dealer Community Profile Management

Dealer Community Profile Management


The enable Community Profile Management for a dealer there a 2 prerequisites:
  1. Access Control needs to be switched on for the dealer.
  2. The person(s) who/which are allowed to manage the profiles need to have the right "Manage Community Profiles" switched on. This right can only be assigned by another person who has already this right assigned.


Publish Profile

  1. Start Calibrator
  2. Select the profile that needs to be published
  3. Right click the profile
  4. Select "Publish Profile" from the context menu
Deleting or modifying the PMM afterwards in Calibrator will not affect the published profile. A copy of the profile is made at the moment of publication.

Unpublish/Remove Profile

  1. Start Calibrator
  2. Select from menu "View" the option "Manage Community Profiles"
  3. Select the profile to be removed
  4. Click "Remove"
This action will remove the PMM from the list of published profiles, but it will still be available in the dealer repository and will not be deleted.

Update Profile

  1. Unpublish/Remove the profile
  2. Publish the profile
Customers will not receive an update if they already have installed it in their account. To receive the update also they need to perform a remove/install sequence to retrieve the latest version. This is to avoid that customer will have unexpected updates, even if it is an improvement.


When the option is not available in the context menu please check if all conditions listed at "Enabling" are set.
In case this is done perform the following steps:
  1. Go to Software Manager and click update; to make sure the Access Control option is deployed.
  2. Restart the Computer; both the computer holding the LicenseServer as the computer running Calibrator.
  3. Log-off the user and log-on again; this will refresh the rights assigned at the server.

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