Editor: Tiling improvements

Editor: Tiling improvements

In V6.6.5 certain additional functions have been added to improve user experience and increase turnaround.

What changes:

  1. Frame select multiple tiles
  2. Lock and Merge tiles dimensions
  3. Contrasting tile separation line

1. Frame selection of multiple tiles

  • By dragging the cursor multiple tiles can now be selected. This allows applying certain settings to a selection of tiles at once.
  • Alt key + mouse drag (Control +mouse drag on Mac) will move all tiles that are aligned.

2. Lock and merge tiles dimensions

To lock the dimensions of the tiles: Right click on the selected tiles and select Lock the tiles. By locking certain tiles, resizing other ensures that the dimensions of the locked tiles are unaffected.

To Merge tiles: select multiple tiles, right click and select Merge tiles.

3. Contrasting overlap lines.

Increased visibility of the overlap lines in Layout as well as after processing. They also proportionately increase when the size is bigger to improve visibility for large tiles (e.g. 3m+)

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