Driving the EFI VUTEk Q3h

Click on the icon with the two round arrows, this will open the settings dialog which allows you to enter the IP address of the JMF Server or Q3h/EFI Connector.
This is the IP address of the Asani RIP which hosts the EFI Connector.

After confirming the correct IP address, it will show two connection options:

Select the one starting with DeviceId_

This will establish the connection with the EFI/Q3h Connector.

Under Settings, select the ink set (Depending on exact model and installed ink set)

CMYK is typically used for the Q3h-XP
CMYK+W for either Q3h-X or XP (Using CMYK+W or CMYKck+W ink set)
CMYK+PW for Q3h-XP (Using CMYK+WV or CMYKck+WV ink set)

Under the options tab you could change the Simultaneous jobs from 1 to 2, the RIP Band Size and the Image Cache.
Be aware that these options depend heavily on the used RIP hardware.

Potential issues:
Media size issues, like Roll expected but sheet detected or vice versa, printjob larger then loaded material etc.
When a print job shows an alert (red warning sign) in the Job Queue (on the Asanti RIP)

Click then on System OverView (bottom of the Jobs Window). The in the System Overview window click on the Printer Icon and then select Media Hub.

Under the media section is a list of the used media. When selecting a media, the media specific dialog will appear with details for that specific media, like Sheet only, Roll only or Both.

Select Both as this will allow to send roll or sheet-based jobs avoiding the media error.

PMM Creation:

During PMM Creation an unwanted lower TAC might be set based on the linearization. TAC for this printer should be set between 350-400%.
Also make sure the EFI Connector doesn't have Color Management enabled (newer versions of the Connector should automatically disable color management).

When using HDR mode, it might be required to clip CMYK to 75% (Linearization step) to avoid an unwanted shine.

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