Fotoba Version 2

Fotoba Version 2

The following changes and additions are made to the Fotoba system compared to v1 of the Fotoba system:

  • Fotoba definition is fully customisable. In v1 only the bar width and spacing could be defined.
  • Fotoba definitions can be stored in the Fotoba folder of the RIP. To distribute the definitions to other RIPs these files need to be copied.
  • Layout offers a Fotoba definition management UI to add, edit and delete Fotoba definitions.
  • Layout and Submit Job dialog only offer to select one of the Fotoba definitions, the bar width and spacing settings are removed (as they are part of the definition)
  • The 4 Fotoba models available in v1 are supplied is pre-defined definitions in the distribution.
  • Fotoba definitions can be selected as mark type in the Layout tab. Therefore allowing to have simple Fotoba output using a Queue (no Fotoba nesting, this is only available in Layout and Submit Job dialog)

Fotoba Management UI

In Layout in the Cutting palette when selecting Fotoba as cutter the list of available Fotoba Definitions is shown along with the management tools: Add, Delete, Edit.

When clicking the Add or Edit tool the following dialog is shown:

The dialog offers the following settings for make up a Fotoba definition:
  • Name : The name as how it will be visible in Layout, Submit Job and Queue settings.
  • DigiStrim : When checked then DigiStrim nesting is applied when using this definition.
  • Bars : Toggles the presence of a Fotoba guide on the side of the output.
  • Extend Bars : Defines if the bars are extended horizontally, forming 1 single bar above or below all images. Or otherwise extended the bars vertically ( e.g. XY Automatic series )
  • Bar Definition : Width of the black bar, inner spacing (when having double bars) and outer spacing (above and below the bars, for the top / bottom bar).
  • Vertical Bars : Definition of the vertical bars (horizontal bars are always of the double type):
    • Blade Gap : Distance between the cutting blades. Defines the space between the images. To have the Fotoba cutter to cut inside the image use either Bleed or make the Blade Gap smaller than the actual distance between the blades.
    • Type : None (only a hairline to guide), Single (1 black bar), Double (2 black bars, with Inner White distance)

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