Substrate structure simulation

Substrate structure simulation


Purpose of this feature is to simulate a shadow or grain structure of a material in the print. 
This is done by enriching a Reference ICC profile with the bump file of the structure. 

How to create the enriched ICC

1.  Create a bump file or Grey file in e.g. Photoshop - in tif format.  PrintFactory offers 3 default paper grain simulations.  Example below - opened in Editor

2.  Uploading the .tif: 
      -   RIP ->  Help -> Software Manager > Resources tab
      -  Import the tif

2.  Calibrator: enrich reference ICC
      -  Open Calibrator -> Tools -> Edit reference profile and Select an ICC you wish to bump
      -   Select the grey file in the drop down. 

      -  Note:  The line in the graph represents the difference between K and White.  E.g. if set to 10% then that means 10% darkening or lightening. 
      - Save the ICC with an amended name
      - restart Layout and select the ICC as new reference profile. 
      - Output can be checked in 


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