Private Cloud Storage

Private Cloud Storage

PrintFactory default account set-up is to store your data in the data center the belongs to your region. This means that if your company is located in Europe then the data will be stored in the European data center.

In case you would like to store your data (Resources/Assets) in your own private account this is possible. Below the steps to follow:

  1. Apply for a Amazon (AWS) account if you don’t have one already
  2. Set-up a S3 bucket in the data center of your preference
  3. Go to Amazon S3 -> Bucket name -> Permissions. Uncheck all “Blocking” checkboxes and Save.

    4. Open Bucket Policy (S3 -> Bucket Name -> Permissions -> BucketPolicy), and insert the JSON below with correct Bucket Name replaced:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "PublicReadGetObject",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": "*",
            "Action": "s3:GetObject",
            "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::[BUCKET_NAME_HERE]/FileSources/*"

    5. Create a folder named “FileSources”. All PrintFactory data will be stored in this folder.

    6. Create a user will read/write access permissions to the S3 bucket created.

    7. Create a support request with title “Private Cloud Storage request” in the support section of your account. Provide in the support request the following information:

• AWS Access Key of the user created for PrintFactory
• AWS Secret Key of that user
• Name of the S3 bucket

One of colleges will check the above steps and come back to you coordinate further steps and migration of your data.

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