Proofing Properties

Proofing Properties

To set the proofing properties of a PrintFactory Queue

Proceed as follows:
  1. Double-click the PrintFactory Queue of your choice.
  2. Make sure that the correct Queue type is selected.
  3. Click the Proofing tab.
  4. Set the proofing properties of the PrintFactory Queue:
    • Reference profile
    • DeviceLink profile
    • Paper color simulation
    • Prefer PDF/X reference profile
    • Substrate simulation
    • Solid black (color proofing queue only)
    • 1-Bit

Reference profile

Select the reference profile for the printing process you want to simulate.
Select the DeviceLink profile, if appropriate and already available.

Paper color simulation

You can simulate the paper color described in the reference profile using absolute colorimetric rendering intent.
Paper color simulation applies absolute colorimetric rendering to the reference-to-printer conversion.

Prefer PDF/X reference profile

You can select the option Prefer PDF/X reference profile if a reference profile embedded in a PDF/X file should always take precedence over the reference profile set up for this queue. This option does not affect how PrintFactory converts input color spaces to the output intent set in a PDF/X-3 file.

Substrate simulation

If you have licensed the Advanced Color option for PrintFactory, you can simulate the texture (substrate qualities) of the reference media. To do this, you proceed as follows:
  1. In PrintFactory Calibrator, select and edit a substrate for the reference profile of this queue.
  2. In PrintFactory RIP, select Substrate simulation.
The Advanced Color option provides additional functionality relating to substrate simulation.

Solid black (color proofing queue only)

Select this option to use only the black ink instead of four inks to print all vector graphics and fonts that are 100 % black. You can thus preserve the sharpness of small text.
Do not select this option for contract proofs.


    1.    Select a raster-printing mode from the Output mode list:
 Accurate ColorProvides full color management by printing color-corrected CMYK and spot color raster points.

Recommended for: color proofing.

 Accurate Color + Pure Black Provides partial color management by printing color-corrected CMY and spot color raster points. K (black) raster points are only color-corrected if mixed with CMY.
In other words, a set of CMYK plates is under full color management; a K plate is omitted only in the absence of other colors.

Recommended for: newspaper proofing.

 Pure dot Prints all CMYK raster points without color correction. Pure dot can improve moirĂ© detection and visibility of the rosette structure of a print.

Recommended for: imposition printing

2.    If you want to compensate for a plate curve in the imagesetter or platesetter RIP that generates the 1-bit source files, then define and select a similar curve from the Plate curve compensation list.

Applying an appropriate plate compensation curve makes printed output linear. The list contains all user-defined curves defined for this purpose and stored in the PrintFactory/PlateCurves/ folder. You can click Define to create or modify a user-defined plate compensation curve.
    3.    If you want to print 1-bit separations in black only, select Print separations as black.
    4.    If 1-bit sources provide negative plates or films and you want to print positive proofs, select Negative plates.
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