Nested Printing Across Media Width - Using the Transverse Setting

Nested Printing Across Media Width - Using the Transverse Setting


One of the most common questions we receive is how to maximize material savings when using a 48x96 sheet, nesting jobs to the left, and preserving a larger, usable portion of media for future cuts. The transverse setting in RIP is a great feature that can help you achieve this.

Why Use the Transverse Setting?

The transverse setting is particularly useful when you want to optimize material usage or fit a job within specific media constraints. By ripping a job transversely, you align your print across the width of the media roll or sheet rather than along its length. This is especially beneficial when working with fixed sheet sizes like 48x96, as it allows for more efficient nesting of jobs to the left side of the sheet, leaving a larger, continuous chunk of media that can be easily cut off and reused.

How to Apply the Transverse Setting:

  1. Access Your Printer Settings:

    • Double-click on your printer within RIP.
  2. Edit Media Size:

    • Click on Edit Media Size.
    • Add a new media size and select the Transverse button.
    • Click OK to save the media size.
  3. Use the Transverse Media Size:

    • When setting up your job in Layout, use the newly created transverse media size and nest accordingly. 


When the job is ripped, it will process transversely, ensuring the job RIPs as if it were sent 96x48 but was nested to the 48" side. This allows for more efficient nesting, saving material, and leaving a larger, usable portion of the sheet for future cuts.

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