Spot colors can be certified, either as part of ISO 12647-7 strip which supports spot color certification or spot colors only.
This is available from V6.5.1
When certifying spot colors in a proofing context there are a number of items to take in considerations:
- Calibrator: Check if the option “Hi-res gradation” in the Spot Color settings of the PMM is set. Older PMMs have it default off, newer PMMs are default on.
The spot color options can be found in Calibrator by selecting the Spot color section of the PMM. Then in the bottom of the right column a preferences button is present. Click this button to see and modify the settings of the PMM.
- Calibrator: Preferences: select the correct spectrophotometer in the Calibrator on the RIP computer or select the build-in spectrophotometer in the printer configuration.
- Layout or Rip Queue Use the Proofing variant of the pmm to ensure that the paper color is simulated if needed.
- Layout or Rip Queue: Use a certification strip that supports spot color certification like the “ISO 12647-7 strip” or the “Spot color strip”.
- RIP: Right click the job and select Certify
- Calibrator: Measure the certification strip.
- Go to:
- Go to Dashboard > Jobs
Select the Job and View te results in Certification Tab.
The measured spots are visible on the gamut chart (blue) and compared against the reference (red)