When installing the swissQprint karibu driver in the RIP, the specific content for this driver (e.g. ink channels, print modes,..) needs to be obtained from the configuration file created on the Lory Front-End of the printer.
To find the .sqpe file you need to go to the Lory front-end & go to the Extra menu -> Export RIP configuration:
To find the .sqpe file you need to go to the Lory front-end & go to the Extra menu -> Export RIP configuration:
This will export a text file named RIP Settings.sqpe
After adding the driver to the RIP, a generic configuration file, named “swissQprint Karibu.sqpe” is installed in 2 places:
- in the output folder of c:\\Users\Shared (or Public)\Printfactory\Caches\SwissQprint Karibu\
- in Applications or Program Files\PrintFactory\bin\Drivers\swissQprint folder
The above swissQprint karibu.sqpe file needs to be replaced in both locations with the RIPSettings.sqpe file (that you exported earlier) in order to match the ink configuration and print modes used for that Karibu printer with the RIP. You must rename it to match the name “swissQprint Karibu.sqpe“.