


 The Layout Templates functionality allows users to reuse layouts created in the Layout application as templates for future layouts. The user can create, load and delete any of the templates. There are no default Layout Templates.

Drag & Drop Replace content

Since the implementation of the Layout Templates functionality all job parts on the media have become placeholders meaning that they can be replaced by drag & drop. The following Drag & Drop behaviour is defined:

  • The first drop of a job on an existing job-part will take all the currently existing settings as the template for consecutive drops, starting with this one.

  • If the dropped job has the same dimensions as the existing job (give or take 1/18th of an inch) then all the settings are retained (scale, crop, rotation, marks, etc.) only the content is replaced.

  • If the Alt (Mac) or Ctrl (Win) key is pressed during the drop then scale, crop and rotation are ignored and the best fit of the job inside the content area of the job-part will be determined. This allows rotation to get the best fit (read: largest scale percentage).

  • If the dropped job has NOT the same dimensions as the existing job (give or take 1/18th of an inch) then a dialog with the following choices will be shown:

  • Retain Scale, Crop and Orientation of the previous image and apply it on the dropped one.

  • Best Fit and thus ignoring the existing scale, crop and orientation.

Save Template

 The user can send jobs from the Editor or the RIP to Layout where he can create his layouts. After everything is configured the user can save it. There are two possibilities for saving:

  • Save in Global Store: this will create a XML file in the Layout Templates folder. The option is available for both cases (send job for Editor or RIP). It is important to note that save a template this way allows it to be used with other documents.
    Note: When sending a job from the RIP to Layout the option to Save in Document will not be available.

  • Save in Document: this option will save the setting in the opened document from Editor. The option is only available when sending a job from Editor, and will not be used with other documents. This means that if the document is closed and another is opened the template will not be available.

Load Template

After a templates has been saved it can be loaded from the menu Layouts > Load Layout. The following options for loading a created template are available:

  • Last Production – This option loads the layout of the last production if a templated was not created. When a layout is created in Layout and send to the RIP or Layout is closed the layout is saved. When returning to layout this option can be chosen to retrieve the layout and setting.

  • Load from Document – Loads templates that are saved in the document.

  • Load from Global Store – Loads templats that are saved in the global store (XML file in Layout Templates folder).

Note: The templates are displayed in the above mentioned order separated by a horizontal line. For Load from Document and Load from Global Store the names of the templates are displayed and not the name of the option.


Delete Template

To delete a template go to the menu Layouts > Delete Layout… . This will display the Delete Layout dialog. From here the template to be deleted can be chosen and click Delete. Please note that if Apply is not clicked the delete(s) will not take place.


Duplicate Sheet 

This will copy all job-parts and media size of the given sheet to the new page number, thus effectively the complete layout of that page. If the new page number already exists it will be inserted at that position. Thus moving all existing pages with that number and higher one page up. 

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