Smart Forms
Smart Forms are a method to add additional custom metadata to the job XML that can be referenced later on, for example in a job label. They are available with a PrintFactory Connect subscription. Enabling Smart Forms in Layout To create a Smart Form ...
Layout Job list menu
Right click on any file in your Layout job list to find some additional menu items: Rename document: To rename the document in the list. It will also rename the nest name (top right of Layout) Revert document: Revert the document to it's original. ...
Flatbed printers: Layout orientation of the sheet for Double Sided
In Layout the flatbed printers have their default origin or 0,0 point, bottom right. When printing double sided: in case of Opaque with Turn, the A-side is flipped and the 0,0 point is thus moved to left bottom so the 0,0 point of the B-side falls on ...
Cutter Feed/Sorting options
Nested Printing Across Media Width - Using the Transverse Setting
Overview: One of the most common questions we receive is how to maximize material savings when using a 48x96 sheet, nesting jobs to the left, and preserving a larger, usable portion of media for future cuts. The transverse setting in RIP is a great ...
Layout: Job information
A fly by text is displayed with hoovering over the Submit button in Layout. It displays: Job size Amount of different input files Amount of output parts in the job Spot colors in the job (Included the spots mapped to Cut tools Available from V
Trim and Bleed Tool
The Trim and Bleed tool automates file preparation for True shape nesting. With this tool, Documents no longer require a CutContour or Spot for tool mapping to allow TSN. After Trim and Bleed tool below, the files are ready for the next step: True ...
True Shape Nesting V6.8
From V6.8 onwards the True shape Nesting function had been refactored. The TSN functionality has been extended with a Trim & Bleed tool which automates file preparation and with new nesting algorithms improving nesting efficiency. The steps for TSN 4 ...
Modular nesting origin and stacking direction
The origin or zero point for the nesting can be set to any of the 2 corners. This allows the end-user of e.g. flatbed printers with different origin points to match their Nesting in Layout. The Stacking methods will start from the default origin: for ...
Layout: Easy UI
Layout has a simplified UI option that reduces the amount of windows open by adding shortcuts that replace the active window. It is available from V6.8.0 onwards. Setting up the Easy UI Layout -> Preferences -> View : tick Easy UI Restart Layout and ...
Layout automation from structured filenames
Layout automation from structured filenames Layout (as of version 6.3) has 2 preference items tailored for automated flows where manual interaction is required. Typically when Enfocus Switch, Esko Automation engine or another workflow is present. In ...
Layout Tiling: adding Tile Rest
What is a Tile Rest When using set widths in tiling and the full image does not completely fit, the tile rest allow to divide still in equal round number tiles, but the last remnant is added to the last tile. E.g. image width of 2001mm => tiling in ...
Alignment and Nesting: Print Bottom first
What When Print Bottom first is enabled the print Job is rotated 180degr. and thus will start printing from the bottom of the job. This is used when printing on roll and the roll is cut afterwards, whereby the end of the print job will now be the ...
Optimised nesting of tiling offcuts
Saving media by nesting different length tiles with Fotoba What Layout: Within the Alignment/ Nesting feature: Optimize Tile Positioning an option- Optimise offcuts - is available to nest tiles with different lengths alongside each other whilst still ...
Layout Key shortcuts
Following Key shortcuts are available in Layout: D = duplicate selection R = Rotate clock wise selection Shift+R = Rotate counter clock wise selection M = Mirror selection Available from V6.7.0
Layout Basic Overview
Whenever you submit a job for printing, the job is opened in the Layout tool, a job submission tool with basic positioning and cuttting functionalities and integrated special ink support. You can generate job copies and scale them, so that you can ...
Fotoba Version 2
The following changes and additions are made to the Fotoba system compared to v1 of the Fotoba system: Fotoba definition is fully customisable. In v1 only the bar width and spacing could be defined. Fotoba definitions can be stored in the Fotoba ...
Fotoba XY cutter – Sensor guide
Fotoba XY cutters have a sensor guide. The sensor guide allows the vertical cutter blades to adjust to any distortion in the print or deformation of the media. The option adds an additional continuous vertical line for X/Y cutters equipped with a ...
Layout: UI and workspace
Workspace allows the user to customise and save the User Interface in Layout. The user can choose which windows to enable and where to position them, either floating or locked in left or right window frame, either on top of other windows or below. ...
True-Shape Bleed
What? Bleed can be added to irregular shapes. The bleed can be mirror, stretch or document bleed and becomes available if a cut contour line is used. It is designed to be used in unison with True-Shape nesting. How? The True-Shape bleed interface is ...
Custom Cut Marks tool
What? Marker definitions are introduced in Version 6.3. The purpose is to enable the user to create custom definitions to suit their own workflow requirements. They are only available when a flatbed cutter is selected. The definitions window contains ...
Layout submit behaviour
Jobs can be manually submitted either from Editor via Layout to the RIP or directly from Layout. To submit from Editor, the Layout program needs to be closed before selecting Submit. Hence Layout has various options after job submission to the RIP. ...
Finishing Tools
A new suite of finishing tools has been added to the Layout tool, this includes: Tile Fold Bleed Grommets This replaces the previous Tiling Tool. To access the tiling tool click on a job on the canvas, then the chequered flag will become active: ...
Automatic Sheet Feeder
Some flatbed printers are equipped with ¾ automated or fully automated sheet loaders. These loaders enable printing multiple sheets in one go. To support multiple sheets per bed there is a specific function in Layout that is explained in this ...
Post Processing
The Finishing tool allows you to do the following: Add borders (for sewing, cutting or folding) Add bleed Place grommets (rings and eyelets) Fold With the Fold option, you can introduce the extra material you need to add to provide fold, tunnel or ...
Tiling Function
You can now apply basic tiling functions to jobs directly in Layout – previously this function was only available in Editor. To access the new settings, click on the job that you want to apply tiling to and then click on the tiling icon. The ...
Concept The Layout Templates functionality allows users to reuse layouts created in the Layout application as templates for future layouts. The user can create, load and delete any of the templates. There are no default Layout Templates. Drag & Drop ...
Step & Repeat
The Step and Repeat function allows users to create multiple copies of a pattern to create textile prints. It is available in PrintFactory Layout and it can be accessed from Window menu > Textile Step Repeat or by clicking on the Step and Repeat ...
Optimize Tile Positioning
Optimize Tile Positioning behavior using different sized tiles This is how Optimize Tile Position Nesting option is working in PrintFactory Layout, when only one tile fits on the width of the media (e.g. tile width = 50”, media width = 60”). The ...
Defining a set of Colorways inside a job can be done from PrintFactory Editor. Prior to creating the Colorway, objects of the desired spot color(s) should be added to the document. After creating the objects inside the document, the ‘New Colorway’ ...
Textile Step and Repeat
This enables repeating patterns to be created from one artwork, defining its attributes from the ‘Textile Step and Repeat’ window from Layout. Once the image has been selected and the media attributes defined as normal the options can then be ...
Adobe Photoshop PSB import
PSB (Photoshop Big) files can now be imported into PrintFactory. So files bigger than 2GB can be opened in their original format. PSDs (Photoshop Documents) are already supported but anything bigger than 30,000 by 30,000 pixels could not be converted ...
True Shape Nesting
TSN is designed to maximise nesting positions and options by offering increased nest efficiencies. By presenting the end user staged nesting results and waste information whilst continuing to calculate, speedy and informed decisions are made. Steps ...
Use of document bleed and nesting in Layout
What This document explains how to nest or but up images using document or other types of bleed, allowing for the correct finishing in Layout. Why To ensure the final lay-up of images has the correct amount and type of bleed with a lay for efficient ...