Job error
Error "Conversion to PDF failed" in Cloud nested jobs
Issue Summary: "Conversion to PDF failed, no document available" in Cloud nested jobs Resolution: As the Workflow application is on a different computer to the RIP, the "Workflow Exchange" folder (set in Workflow preferences) needs to be a shared ...
RIP error: "Reference profile could not be loaded"
Error appears in the Processing tab in the RIP job window. Reason: The Queue has lost the link to the Reference profile Resolution: open the RIP queue and select the Reference profile tab. Toggle between another reference profile and back and save ...
License/Proxy server needs upgrade to the latest version
When you see the message License/Proxy server needs upgrade to the latest version, it means that your license server on another computer is not updated to the same version as the application you are trying to run. In this example, the user is trying ...
Calibrator crashes creating VISU PMM.
Issue Summary: Calibrator crashes creating the linearization chart in VISU PMM wizard Resolution: Give read/write access to all PrintFactory subfolders in public/shared PrintFactory folder
Understanding and Resolving "Insufficient Disk Space" Errors
Overview The "Insufficient Disk Space" error can occur when files are being processed in PrintFactory RIP. While it may seem like the disk is running out of space, there are often other causes for this error. A common reason is related to the ...
RIP error: 'Connection forcibly closed by remote host'
This error appears in the Print tab of the RIP. The cause is either: - a comms issue (e.g wrong IP) or - a file issue (sending wrong format, wrong size due to settings on Printer Controller,..) Triage process: Case of Hosonsoft with PrintBridge - ...
Files arrive in Sub folders and aren't picked up by DFE
Issue: Files arriving is subfolders are not imported automatically into the DFE. e.g. Fuji Ultra Hybrid 3306W) Reason: the sub-directory setting for output files is ticket on in Driver settings Resolution: -> RIP: double click the driver and untick: ...
RIP Won't Open
When experiencing issues with the RIP crashing, contacting support is often a requirement. However, there are a few things you can check and/or do to fix or help us get to the root of the issue more quickly. Below are steps on how to gather log files ...
Media compensation caused media size to exceed printer width
When working with media size compensation in PrintFactory, it’s important to understand how compensation affects the overall media width. If the compensation value increases the media size beyond the "full width" setting, it will cause you to be ...
Layout Won't Open
If a setting or file that was previously saved in Layout Preferences is no longer available, it can prevent Layout from opening. To resolve this issue, you need to reset your preferences by removing the Layout.xml file. Steps to Reset Layout ...
Calibration targets do not match between the Print and Calibrator
Issue: Patches on your test chart have changed unexpectedly, resulting in discrepancies between the printed chart and what is displayed on your screen. Possible Causes and Solutions: Incorrect Measurement Mode Please note the article on our ...
Cannot access volume on Mac/ Remapping/Mapping Network Drives on Mac
If you've encountered the error message 'Failed to setup "printer name" due to: To produce the current jobs the settings need to be changed. Cannot access: "folder location",' it typically indicates a disconnection between your printer and the ...
License Received from 3...., expected 3....
When opening the RIP and you get the message: "License received from 3.... expected 3....." that means that this particular pc ran another license previously. The site number is stored in the configuration file in the 'Hub' folder. This is done to ...
I can't see White Option in Layout
Using the White tool in Layout requires that your profile has been setup to use white ink in it. When a profile is selected that has no white, the option will be grayed out. To show this pallet go to Window -> White. This is an example of a profile ...
Resolving RIP Crash or License Activation Issues After Update to 6.8.1 Due to Faulty MSVCP140.dll
If you encounter issues such as PrintFactory RIP crashing or the license failing to activate after an update (in V6.8.1), this may be due to an error with the MSVCP140.dll file. You can confirm this by checking the Event Viewer for a fault message ...
Layout: Searching for printers
When Layout is first started it will display the message "Searching for printers" After a short wait, this message will disappear and you can then proceed to create your job in Layout. In some circumstances this message will stay on the screen and ...
Job "Waiting" status
Sometimes your jobs in the RIP could be stuck in "Waiting" status. This can be for a number of reasons: - Hark Disk is full. Consider deleting some older jobs or setting a clean-up policy in RIP Preferences. - Media loaded on the printer does not ...
My Printer is Errored or Disconnected From the RIP
When your printer is in a red state, it can halt your printing tasks. This article is meant to cover the most common solutions to these issues. The first step would be to note the error messages in the RIP that may be helpful. Error Message: No ...
HP module triage
When the communication between the RIP/Calibrator and the HP Latex leads to errors that are not related to connectivy (like TCP issues, firewalls, etc) then a communication log needs to be created. This applies to: HP Latex 630 series HP Latex 700 ...
‘Print mode not supported’ on HP printers
Why This message could have 2 reasons, either: a certain print mode built for a certain printer has been changed or deleted. Consequently, the mode does not match up with the profile used a certain print mode has been updated via HP firmware or ...
HP: ASRT spooling error
Issue description: When you get an ASRT spooling error in the RIP when sending a file to the HP printer: And in rip log (RIP -> View -> Event log) you see :[Warning] Exception 1095979604 in ...
PrintAgent: установлен на RIP, мешает связи между RIP и Cal
Если PrintAgent установлен на компьютере RIP, а не на DFE, то Calibrator не сможет обнаружить принтеры в RIP. PrintAgent должен быть установлен на компьютере DFE.