Set the file path location
When using XML/CSV/Excel/Database input methods in your Workflow, you will need to dictate which column/path/etc will contain your input file path. To do this, look for the PDF icon and select the column/path required. In the above example. the ...
Backing up and Importing a Workflow
For customers sending in a backup of a Workflow for testing, unzip the backup they send you and place in the following folder location: PC: C:\Users\Public\PrintFactory\Workflow Mac: Users/Shared/PrintFactory/Workflow How to backup a Workflow:
Creating Keywords using RegEx
Workflow allows you to parameterize the settings of each component in the flow and make decisions optional using variables. You can read extended information about variables and their format in the article [here]. This article will explain in close ...
Creating a new Workflow
To create a new Workflow you first need to open the Workflow application. On a Windows PC, you will find it here: C:\Program Files\PrintFactory, and on macOS, here: HD/Applications/PrintFactory. After opening the application you need to click the ...
Workflow UI overview
Workflow user interface
Workflow - Working with Variables
Workflow allows you to parameterize the settings of each component in the flow and make decisions optional using variables: There are 3 different types of variables: Keywords: User data generated from XML, JSON, XLSX, CSV, Database or RegEx Job ...