License Activation and registration
How to activate the license
When a license is created it is automatically registered to the end-user. The user assigned as the license manager will receive a ‘Welcome to PrintFactory’ email.
- The ‘Welcome to PrintFactory’ email invites the user to login to using the provided user name and password.
Example of ‘Welcome to Printfactory’ email sent to the registered user. - In the Support tab, selecting Downloads, the user will be able to download the latest installer for Windows or Mac.
The one displayed confirms the OS of the PC. Selecting Other Versions (top right) shows the alternative OS installer.

- At the end of the installation wizard, the license is activated using the same login details as used for Cloud / Hub login. Therefore, it will connect to the Hub inviting you to dial in if not already open. After activation the quick start guide will open:
- Once the license is activated, Software Manager opens up and shows the license configuration. The RIP can now be started.

License Connectivity: Server and Clients
License Server and Client pcs
When activating a License first time: the Cloud/ Hub logs the hardware information of the pc on which the License is Activated (i.e the License Server).
PrintFactory can be installed on various other PC's and Mac, and all of those will 'look' at the License Server PC to verify an active license. Therefore, in Software Manager the IP of the proxy (License Server) = IP of the License Server PC.
You can Fix that ip by selection Settings under the Proxy and manually entering the IP. Fixing the IP means that software Manager will only look at that pc to find the license and not scour the network for the license to pick up automatically.
License Check and Re-Activation
If License Server is unavailable or license needs re-activation
Note: below is the reviewed re-activation process from V6.8.4 onwards
If the License Server becomes unavailable, (e.g. License Server PC is closed or broken) the Client pcs won't find the license then the option Activate is shown under This Computer in Software Manager.
-> Selecting Activate, will prompt a License Check with the Cloud verifying the hardware of the License Server PC and the current PC. If the user is trying it activate the license on a different pc than stored, it will prompt a message that the License is already activated on "named" PC.
So accidental re-activation is not possible.
-> Restarting the "named" PC will make the license discoverable again by the Clients.
-> if the "named" PC is broken and can't be revived, the hardware info stored in the Hub for this PC needs to be Reset. The link in the prompt leads you to the Reset page in Hub.
-> Please note: Reset button is only available by the License Manager / Owner or Admin and PrintFactory Support Team.
Once the Reset button is clicked the hardware is wiped from the Log and the license can be re-activated again.