The Uploader tool is a versatile tool to upload files and XML jobs to the PrintFactory Cloud.(No longer available in V6.7, replaced with Workflow) The tool can be used for:
The Uploader has 2 modes of operating:
After installing Uploader or when clicking the sprocket button on the progress window the preferences window appears:
There are 3 authentication options:
The Region option needs to be set to China when being used inside of PRC, so the China cloud infrastructure is used.
Two modes are available:
Open at Login will make Uploader to start when your computer starts. The Uploader will be added as a tray icon (Windows/Linux) or menu item (MacOS) and the UI can be accessed from there.
Manually adding jobs is done by dragging the files (PDF/TIFF/JPEG/PNG) or XML job tickets onto the progress window (see picture above).
In the bottom of the window the queue to which the files or jobs need to be added can be selected. These are the Nest Groups as set-up in the Automation section of PrintFactory Cloud.
Uploader can be set-up to monitor a set of folders and pick up any files or XML job tickets that are written / copied there. For each hotfolder another queue can be specified and optionally a XSLT transformation to transform the received XML into the PrintFactory XML format.
In the preferences to go to the Hotfolders tab to manage the list of hotfolders.
For each hotfolder you can define:
Uploader has a simple build-in FTP server that shows the defined hotfolders as folders in a FTP server. This allows to upload the artwork (PDFs/TIFF/etc) and the XML using FTP protocol.
At the moment the XML and the files referred to by the XML are all received the job is submitted to the cloud. Progress of the pairing up and any issues are shown in the Event Log window at “Info” level.