Workflow Menu

Workflow Menu


You can find the menu here.


You can find the menu here.



Concurrent jobs

Number of Jobs Workflow may process simultaneously. Each CPU (core) on your Computer can do 1 Job at a time, so maximum to be set to the amount of cores your computer contains.


Amount of seconds in between the start of a new Job. 

Open at login

Checking this box will start Workflow automatically, if not already running, on login on your computer. Workflow runs as a services on the background. It could be running without the interface being visible.

Workflow folder

Folder location which is used to temporarily store data while processing the Job in Workflow. The data from this location is delete when the Job is deleted from Workflow.

Exchange folder

  1. Location - Exchange folder
    1. Folder is used to store data which isn't send to a Device (Printer or Cutter) from Workflow directly,  e.g. Cloud Nester. When a Job is send from the Cloud Nester to the RIP it downloads the corresponding Documents from this location. All RIPs must have access to the directory. Documents will be deleted automatically when all Copies of the Documents are processed for the Print and/or Cut Job by the RIP.
  2. Location - Cloud Server
    1. To use this it's mandatory to setup your own AWS S3 Bucket storage. Please contact support to completed this configuration once you have setup this storage. Deletion of the Documents here run simultaneously with the cleanup cycle of the Cloud DB which is a year.
      Benefits of this storage:
      1. Reprint (only for Cloud Nesting Jobs) and ReRoute can be enabled
      2. Documents for Cloud Nesting Jobs are downloaded directly from this storage, so no need to make the Exchange folder location accessible on each RIP
  3. Location - Local Server (beta)
    1. This is being developed and will behave as the Cloud Server but you can use your won storage for it. 
  4. Use original file location when possible
    1. You can reduce your storage by checking this. When Workflow didn't apply any changes on the Document while processing it, the original file can be used. This will only work when the input Job contained a URL for the Document, e.g. Excel/CSV, XML, JDF or Database.


Units displayed in Workflow

Clean up

Clean up Done Jobs

  1. Retain
    1. Jobs that are completely processed by Workflow will not be deleted. Manual deletion does delete the record.
  2. Delete after:
    1. Jobs will automatically be delete after the amount of hours you set. 0 Hours means instant deletion.

Clean up Error Jobs

  1. Retain
    1. Errored Jobs will not be deleted. Manual deletion does delete the record.
  2. Delete after:
    1. Errored Jobs will automatically be delete after the amount of hours you set. 0 Hours means instant deletion.


When a Job Errors an email will be sent to the email address set. You can enter multiple email addresses by separating them with a ';'. Every 15 minutes Workflow will check the errored Jobs and send a summary of the errored Jobs a that period.

FTP Server

Workflow has a simple build-in FTP server that shows the defined hotfolders as folders in a FTP server. This allows to upload the artwork (PDFs/TIFF/etc) and the XML using FTP protocol.
At the moment the XML and the files referred to by the XML are all received the job is processed. Progress of the pairing up and any issues are shown in the Event Log window.
The FTP server can be configured in the FTP tab of the preferences. Allowing to define the user/password for access and the port to listen on. The FTP server supports unencrypted communication protocols only.
FTP Server setup is out of scope of support


Add file

This option gets active only when a Hotfolder is selected in a Workflow like displayed above. It will open a File explorer / Finder where you can browse to the file you want to add.

Manual entry

This option gets active only when a Hotfolder is selected in a Workflow. A popup windows will appear. Here you can paste and/or modify your NestParts. It only supports NestParts XMLs.


Add Workflow

It will open a windows that create a new Workflow. It's the same function as '+' button in Workflow, see image above.
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